March 24, 2009

I want to whine

My back hurts. Like really, really hurts. I've always had a somewhat "bad" back but delivering a NINE POUND baby, and then carrying that NINE POUNDS AND GROWING baby around for 15 months hasn't helped. (I love you Porter!) I've been to the chiropractor and yes it did help, but unless I want to make him a permanent fixture in my every day schedule (and basically give him the password to my online banking) I think I'm just stuck like this. It comes and goes and some days are better than others but today it's bad and I felt like whining. So there, I whined.

March 18, 2009


I'm obsessed right now.

March 17, 2009

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

My cute husband got up this morning and made us green shamrock pancakes. He's pretty darling. This is the best one of the bunch.

Green pancake batter... looks more like pistachio pudding...
The happy cook! It took him a second but Porter thought they were pretty fun too...

March 12, 2009

A Plug

As creator and owner of peek-a-boob nursing covers I encourage you to pop over to and enter yourself for the GREAT GIVEAWAY of an adorable nursing cover! If you are not nursing I know you can think of someone who is, or is about to be, so GO ENTER! Who doesn't want to win something?!

March 10, 2009


I love him.

March 9, 2009

A bit of confusion

I often hold Porter up to look in the mirrors on our wall or to see the pictures we have hanging. Today I held him up to the picture of the Christus we have hanging in the living room. He looked at the picture and said "Dadda.... Dadda!" (???) I quickly responded, "That's not Daddy, it's Jesus."

.... now there's something ya don't say every day.

March 5, 2009

A tip of my own

Do you know what kind of dirty pictures you get when you just Google Image "nylons"...??

Anyway, I was inspired by Laura's brilliant tip to share this one with you because I think it's genius.

You know when you put a shirt on over your head and as you pull it down you inevitably smudge deodorant all over the sides of it? Well rather than taking a wet cloth to try and wash it out just go grab a pair of your nylons and gently rub the nylon over the deodorant. It comes right out!

March 4, 2009

Jive Talkin'

Porter is a real little Chatty Cathy (wonder where he gets that from!) He is picking up new words all the time and at 15 months has quite the repertoire. Since I'm him mom and I can brag about him I thought I'd share with you his current vocabulary.

Dadda..............tortuga.............whoa.....................down you
Wesley............bird...................woof woof.............thank you
Vicky...............milk..................whoo whoo...........keys

He seems to be picking up more every day, it's incredible how quickly his little mind learns.

March 3, 2009

Today I was a good mom

I hate being cold so I don't really go outside just to be outside. I realized the other day that Porter hasn't really had a lot of opportunities to play in the snow so Neil took him out to play and I watched from the window. He loved it and it made me feel like a bad mom for not taking him out sooner.

The weather has been nice the last day or two so this afternoon I pulled off my bad-mom-hat and took my little boy to play in the back yard. He loved it and I didn't even freeze. I am really looking forward to summer with this little man!

My latest love affair

I can't wait to bring her home.