December 31, 2010

Goodbye 2010

Well my resolve to pay more attention to my blog this week than last has been priddy futile. Sorry. From Christmas Eve to New Year's Day it is a non. stop. party. around here. We have family staying with us (hi C&C!) which means we open up the secret passageway between our houses here at the ol' duplex and what ensues is an everlasting swarm of people, treats, comings and goings, and this year - NBA Jam on the PS3. It was my birthday yesterday (give me a 2 - give me an 8!!) and I had an awesome day! It started with a lot of family and fun and ended with a lot of family and fun and watching This Is It, which by the way, still breaks my Michael-forever-lovin'-heart. I was out the entire day and when I got home there was 9 voicemails and over 30 facebook messages. Aw, thanks for making a gal feel special.

So being the last day of 2010 (and being home alone with a sick baby while family and friends congregate elsewhere - it's not as sad as it sounds, really.) I thought I would quickly wrap up my 2010 for those of you in bloggerland.

1. We bought a sweet new ride and I have loved it even more than I thought I would. I ride in comfort with plenty of room for my chilluns and all their paraphernalia. We take the seats out to make use of it's roomy back for all our haulin'-stuff-around needs. It's got some wicked features like the back-up assist, traction control, it's own air compressor and I haven't even mentioned the DVD player yet. Thanks February 2010.

2. In March I gave birth to this little bundle. 

I thought my heart was already full but he has taken it to overflowing. My little Rigby has brought me more joy in almost-10 months than I can even believe. He is a happy and sweet boy, full of smiles and little nose wrinkles. He has long dark eyelashes and the most sparkly eyes you can imagine. We call him Rigatree and he has completed our home. For now.

3. We lived in and fell in love with Edmonton this summer. Part of it's charm was spending so much time with this family.

We don't get to see them often and living in the same city for 5 months was amazing. We spent Sunday dinners and evenings together and made many wonderful memories and lasting relationships. That was a real highlight.

4. My hubby was given a promotion at work. He was asked to take over his office and will (co)manage the team this coming summer. I am so proud of him and how hard he works but also the integrity he has while doing it. He is someone people respect and know that he is honest and straightforward. He excels at being a leader and bringing out the best in people as he helps them reach their potential. I am impressed by his work ethic, his motivation and ambition and his drive to become something. He is never satisfied with mediocrity and his desire to constantly learn and improve himself is something I have really seen grow in him over this past year.

5. Two weeks ago I completed the Make Up Artistry course at The Training Inc here in town.

Being properly trained and certified is something I've wanted to do for oh, um, 10+ years. I'm so thrilled to have completed this course and look forward to the doors it opens for me. I will be doing makeup for photos, weddings, grads, etc. I love make up and how it can make you feel - every woman is beautiful and sadly some haven't seen it before, I love being able to share that with them. (So hire me - how's that for a shameless plug?!)

I hope everyone has had a memorable 2010 and that it's been memorable for good things!

Happy New Year! 

1 comment:

  1. Love the awesome pictures you found to go along with this post. The makeup one is killing me!! I love 2010 because I got to see you and spend more time with you than maybe in other years. Hopefully 2011 is even better!!


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