March 7, 2012

upside down french braid

Every time I see this hairstyle I want to try it myself but have never gotten around to it. This morning on my newsfeed I saw Whippy Cake had posted a tutorial on how to create this look and so while Rigby napped and Porter played with bubbles in the kitchen I decided I’d give it a go.

My style is a little less polished so I didn’t do the braid as tight as she did nor did I take as small sections. This was my first attempt so that tells you how simple it is. I was certain I’d have to start over a few times but I actually didn’t have to. It was a little tricky to wrap my brain around doing it all upside down but when it came down to it the worst part of the process was just a sore back from bending over. If you can french braid your own hair already I don’t see why this should give you any trouble.  


I followed Whippy Cake’s tutorial exactly and although I think it turned out cute I’ll probably try something different with the front next time. Having my hair all pulled back isn’t my favorite look for myself so I will try and work some kind of side swept thing or something next time. I have appreciated not having to fiddle with my bangs and pull hair out of my eyes all day though and having the hair pulled up off my neck without chance of loosening and falling out is really great too.


I was pleasantly surprised at how easy this hair-do is. I will definitely do it again and I’d like to try it while my hair is curled and has a little more volume and texture. Have any of you tried this style before? Do you have any variations of what could be done with the front?


  1. SUPER DUPER cute! I love it. Alright--I am going to have to give it a try!

  2. By the way--I just watched the tutorial and I like yours WAY better. I like it looser better and I love all your highlights. Maybe YOU should do a tutorial!

  3. Seriously, how do you do all these cute girly hair styles. I'm terrible at doing a basic braid and having it stay put in Kathryn's hair. I don't have a hope of doing it in my own hair. You need to adopt my girls and teach them how to be girly, because I'm terrible at it.

  4. Luv this! Its so pretty! I'm going to try this on my 4 year old...if she sits still! :)So cute!

  5. Really cute!! I love it, I can't wait to try it when my hair is long again!!


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