February 21, 2009

Tag, you're it!

Jennifer tagged me and I decided I'd only do it if my photo was cool and it IS so here it goes.... you're supposed to go to your 6th photo album, find the 6th photo and post it with a story. This is mine:

This photo is of my husband Neil (best friend/ex-fiance at the time) mountain biking in the coulees. This is the day he crashed and BRO-OKE his leg. I couldn't leave it at that so here are a few more photos of that special day!

A 10 inch plate, 12 screws, a week in the hospital with 6 months on crutches and he's as good as new! And the best part is we DID get married too! He got off his crutches 3 days before our wedding and he finally gets the plate and screws out this fall.

I tag Catherine, Sara, Heidi and Mandy (and anyone else with a great photo!)

February 19, 2009

Four years and counting....

It was on February 19, 2005 that Neil and I got married; today marks our 4 year anniversary! I know every wife wants to believe her husband is the best but I'm sorry, Neil really is! It is a cliche thing to say but I truly married my best friend. We have shared an incredible 4 years together and they really only seem to be getting better!

Here is a little peek of our (cold) wedding day!

February 13, 2009

Terrible... Fourteen Months??

I'm not sure what broke into my house and took over my little boy but I don't think I like it. Over the past week or so he has become a real little rascal and doesn't show signs of stopping. I thought behaviors like this weren't supposed to hit for another 10 months! The following is only a sampling of the past week's antics:

-One afternoon Porter got into my sewing drawer and dumped out all my bobbins, D rings, and every spool of thread. He then un-spun one spool through the entire basement.
-The other morning he threw his full sippy cup into the toilet I had not 3 minutes earlier just peed in (ya know, cause it's not like I get to use the facilities with the door closed or anything).
-He INSISTS on pulling out the chairs to climb onto the kitchen table 7 MILLION TIMES A DAY!
-I found him eating his dad's deodorant.
-I don't know how many times he has waded up to his little ankle in the cat's water dish, and then splashes it around so I have to change his socks and pants... and mop up the carpet.
-He has broken umpteen necklaces and one headband
-He wanders off a few times a day, climbs into his Chariot (of which he can't climb out) and then just yells "stuck...stuck....stuck..." until I come rescue him.
-He is very persistent and when we take him to another room to "talk" he just screams through the scolding and then starts to laugh.... LAUGH.
-Last but not least, and certainly my favorite - he gets into the box of tampons and scatters them throughout the house. On more than one occasion I have seen him giving them to Wesley (I still haven't decided who actually gets to them first) who then hides them under the couch and under my bed. It's seriously ridiculous.

I used to hear moms tell stories like these and wonder, "Well where were you while all this was going on?!" Now I know.... in the time it takes to clean one mess they've gone in the other room to start on another one.

But man this is one cute mess!

February 7, 2009

Well.... here goes nothin'

By no means am I a vegetarian but I'm sure my consumption of meat is well below the average of other's. Growing up in my home dinners often consisted of a plate full of home grown veggies and that's how we liked it. We did eat our fair share of chicken, hamburger and boerewors (South African sausage) but that was pretty much it. So when it comes to choosing meat and cooking meat, I'm really at a loss. However, tomorrow I plan on making history. I am going to cook a roast. I went and bought one... I chose the one that was wrapped the nicest, all the cuts and sides mean nothing to me... and tomorrow I am going to cook it. I have a rough idea of how this should go but if anyone wants to offer me some great tips I'd be more than happy to hear them!

February 2, 2009

Things I'm loving right now

Mini Eggs - I eat an offensive amount every year... mmmmm!

Listening to Porter call for Niles - "Ni-oh..... Ni-oh!" I can't get enough of it!

Making pancakes for my family in the morning. I used to hate pancakes until Vicky gave me a great recipe and told me to eat them with PB and homemade syrup - delish!

Going to bed early ... okay "early" - does 11:00 count?!

My jeans that actually fit. Yay, a pair I can't pull off still buttoned!

Conversations with Neil. We've had some really great ones lately, I love that boy.

My new hairspray - LaCoupe Volume Fix. It's got a strong hold and the smell makes me think of Mexico : )

Sometimes little pleasures can make a big difference.